Why Does Ice Cream Make Me Cough?

Ice Cream Make Me Cough

Why does ice cream make me cough?

An allergic reaction to any ingredient, reflux, bronchospasm, asthma, mucus hardening, or superficial throat infection can all cause coughing after eating ice cream.

Discover some of the most likely causes of ice cream coughing by reading the rest of the article. You can also learn how to stop such coughs by reading the information below.

7 Reasons Behind Coughing After Eating Ice Cream


You may be allergic to dairy products or specific ice cream ingredients if you’ve noticed that you only cough after eating ice cream. If you don’t experience the same problems after consuming other cold foods or beverages, this is more likely the cause.

When you have an allergy to a certain food, drink, or other substance, your body recognizes them as potential dangers that need to be dealt with right away. When the body encounters these substances and the immune system kicks into action, various bodily reactions, including coughing, take place.

Dairy is frequently to blame for people’s post-ice cream coughs. And if you belong to that group, you most likely have problems with other dairy products like milk and cheese. However, if you have no problems with other dairy products, some of the ingredients in the ice cream you’re eating might be the problem.


The condition known as gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is characterized by the reflux of acid and food from the stomach into the esophagus. This may result in chest pain, heartburn, an unexplained cough, and a sensation of something being stuck in the mouth. 

A high fat content in dairy products, like ice cream, can lead to heartburn. Consuming such dairy products can therefore make GERD symptoms worse. Additionally, eating frozen foods may make the lower oesophageal sphincter less effective. But do not worry, GERD is not a serious condition.  


The fact that you cough after eating ice cream may be due to your asthma, specifically. Just the ice cream’s coldness is enough to set off severe reactions, such as coughing. Your body’s reactions to additives like sulfites that may have been added to the ice cream on occasion may be the cause.

Other triggers, such as dust, pollen, smoke, and stress, are common causes of allergic reactions in asthma patients, in addition to cold beverages like ice cream. After eating ice cream, if you experience other symptoms like chest tightness and breathing difficulties, you probably have asthma.


People with asthma and allergies frequently experience bronchospasm. It’s a condition in which exposure to extremely cold temperatures causes the muscles lining your airways to suddenly contract. Your airways narrow, for instance, when you consume ice cream or consume cold beverages. Breathing becomes difficult as a result, and coughing starts.

Asthmatics and allergy sufferers frequently experience bronchospasm, but other people do as well. Some people have delicate throats that react to cold foods and beverages by making them cough. Since ice cream is so cold, eating it can quickly cause bronchospasm and make you cough.

Mucus Hardening

As you eat your ice cream, it passes through the trachea, which is connected to the esophagus. The mucus in the trachea thickens and solidifies as a result of the ice cream’s cooling effect, which is a result of its cold nature.

In reality, the mucus in your trachea sweeps back to your throat to clear the airway. However, as the mucus thickens after coming into contact with the ice cream, your body responds by making you cough until the thickened mucus is expelled.

Because ice cream is not particularly fluid in nature, it passes slowly through your esophagus, cooling your trachea more slowly and thickening the mucus.

You might recall that because ice cream is thick and drips down your throat slowly, when you suddenly gulp down large bites of it, you feel a sharp pain in your chest and throat.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD, is a typical cause of unexplained coughing after meals. But you might be tempted to blame ice cream if you only became aware of this after having some on one or two occasions.

This reflux irritates the esophageal walls, causing coughing and chest pain.

Throat Infection

Obviously, let’s say you have a throat infection. When attempting to consume ice cream or even a cold beverage in that situation, you will undoubtedly experience coughing as well as other side effects.

Your throat is sensitive and swollen from the infection. Ice cream and other cold foods are not recommended at this time. Eating it would only result in coughing fits as a reaction. So, look after your throat better.

Avoid anything cold for a while, even if you feel there is only a minor issue.

Ice Cream Make Me Cough

How Can I Stop Coughing After Ice Cream?

You can do the following things to stop yourself from coughing:

  • Saltwater that is warm is gargled.
  • If you have asthma, you ought to avoid inhaling steam. 
  • Take an expectorant, which will make it easier for you to cough up extra mucus and weak breathing.
  • If you have a severe throat infection, you might also require antibiotics or antiviral medications.
  • To make the mucus thinner, use a humidifier.
  • For the time being, refrain from smoking and inhaling irritants like dust or perfumes.
  • Drink tea with honey, lemon, ginger, or mint. This reduces throat irritability.
  • Put some eucalyptus oil on your chest. This causes a cooling sensation that aids in reducing the pain. 
  • Keep yourself hydrated and eat warm food like soup


Several factors could be to blame for the throat cough that occurs after eating ice cream. It is unquestionably a way for your body to tell you that something is wrong. No matter if you have reflux, a sore throat, or a dairy allergy. Coughing is one way your body expresses it.

Depending on the causes, coughing might simply go away or it might last longer. It may be a sign of how bad things are for someone with asthma right now if they have ice cream coughs.

There are a few ways to stop your minor coughing fits, and the majority of them involve drinking water. Therefore, plain water would work just as well even if you’re outside and can’t access lemon honey water.

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